Sushant Singh Rajput was suffering from Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder

This term "Bipolar Disorder" is trending in news these days in context of Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide Case. It has come to surface that he (Sushant Singh Rajput) has bipolar disorder, he was undergoing treatment and taking medicines for it according to revelations by of Mumbai Police. What circumstances led to his death is the subject matter of investigation.


Let us now, discuss what is Bipolar disorder ?

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness , marked by extreme shifts in mood i.e. extreme mood swings. It is also known as bipolar disease or maniac depression. Its symptoms include extremely elevated mood called mania, depression.
when you become depressed you feel sad or hopeless and lose interest in most of activities & when your mood shifts to mania you may feel full of energy. These mood swings generally can affect sleep, activity, behavior, judgement & ability to think clearly.
Bipolar disorder is not a rare brain disorder it is becoming common among people now a days.  The average age when bipolar disorder starts showing its symptoms is 25 Years.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder ?

Bipolar disorder has following symptoms:

1. Mania or hypomania- abnormally upbeat, jumpy, wired, increased activity, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, poor decision making etc.
2. Major depressive episodes- difficulty in day to day activities, depressed mood, feeling sad, restlessness, fatigue, thinking about or planning to suicide, either insomnia or sleeping too much etc.


Symptoms of bipolar disorder may be difficult to identify in children and teens. Its often hard to  tell whether these are normal ups and downs, the results of stress or trauma, or signs of a mental health problem other than bipolar disorder.

Causes of Bipolar Disorder

The exact reason of bipolar disorder is not known, however i am listing out here some of the possible reasons:

1. Genetics: Bipolar disorder is more common in those people who have first degree relative such as sibling or parent with the condition. However, it's important to keep in mind that most people who have bipolar disorder in their family history don't develop it.
2. Our Brain: Our brain structure may impact the risk of the disease. Abnormality in structure or functions of brain may increase the risk.
3. Environmental factors: external factors such as stress, physical illness, traumatic experiences may increase the risk of bipolar disorder.
4. Drug or alcohol abuse also causes bipolar disorder.

visit the doctor

When to Visit the Doctor?

If you have any symptoms of depression or mania, visit your doctor or mental health professional. Bipolar disorder doesn't get better on its own. Getting treatment from a mental health professional with experience in bipolar disorder can help you get your symptoms under control & save your Life.

Had Sushant Singh rajput  developed bipolar disorder or not ? The fact will be known only after the whole investigation is done. It is fact or just a conspiracy ? will be known once the police does its work and arrives at any conclusion.

We all are praying for Justice for Sushant , Sooner or later Justice shall be done.

Justice for Sushant Singh Rajput



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